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High Voltage Detox Fast Flush Capsules - 6 Capsules Per Box

High Voltage Detox Fast Flush Capsules - 6 Capsules Per Box (MSRP $24.95)

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High Voltage Detox Flush Capsules - 6 Capsules Per Box

Need to flush toxins fast? High Voltage Detox Fast Flush Capsules are the best choice for you if you need to detox in a hurry. Effective in only 30 minutes, the Fast Flush Capsules have your back when it comes to getting RESULTS. Make sure you’re clean, with effects lasting up to 5 hours!

For Maximum Results:

Avoid unwanted toxins for 24-48 hours.
Pre-cleanse period, the night before (12-24 hours Prior to consuming High Voltage) drink ten 8oz glasses of water over an 8 hour period.
While using this product, urinate frequently to expel toxins.
Do not eat large meals or consume any food with Caffeine or Fruit Juices during the pre-cleanse period.
Avoid over the counter or non-prescribed medications, alcohol, acidic liquids (such as vinegar, pickle juice, coffee, etc), Vitamins or salty foods.
Drink plenty of water on a daily basis