Hello Visitor! We are a business to business wholesale website. Visitors cannot purchase products. Please click here to create an account. Member already? Click here to sign in. If you have any questions you can also reach out to our customer accounts team by calling (630)912-2673 #4, or by email accounts@midwestgoods.com

Update / Submit Business Information Questionnaire

Update your business license or submit a license to to be approved to receive packages via USPS

We are required to have your business license on file and, or also provide any business license required by local or state law that our recipients are lawfully acting businesses to USPS. If you have recently provided an updated license to Midwest, please disregard. If your license has recently expired, or if you have a new shipping address, please send it to us by completing the easy-to-use form below.

If you have any questions please reach out to our accounts team: accounts@midwestgoods.com (630)912-2673 #4.